Sweet Tea Vs Iced Tea: How Do They Differ?

Ah, tea. There are different types and flavors of tea, it can be hard to know where to start. I will compare sweet tea vs iced tea. Both of these drinks are popular in the United States, but they have some key differences. Keep reading to learn more about sweet tea and iced tea, and find out which one is right for you!

To answer the question, Sweet tea is made by adding sugar or another sweetener to black tea while it is still hot. This results in a sweeter, more syrupy beverage. Iced tea, on the other hand, is made by steeping tea in cold water and then adding ice. This results in a refreshing, less sweet drink. Let’s take a look at the major differences.

Sweet Tea vs Iced TeaDifferences


The first recorded recipe for sweet tea comes from an 1879 community cookbook called Housekeeping in Old Virginia. Sweet tea became especially popular in the American South where it is now considered a regional specialty.

Iced tea, on the other hand, was invented at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair by Richard Blechynden. He was trying to sell hot tea on a hot day and no one was buying it, so he poured it over ice and served it cold instead. It quickly became one of the most popular drinks at the fair. Today, sweet tea and iced tea are both enjoyed all over the world.

The Taste Of Sweet Tea And Ice Tea

The taste of sweet tea vs iced tea is another important difference between these two popular beverages. As its name suggests, sweet tea is very sweet. The sugar or other sweetener is added while the tea is still hot, so it has time to dissolve and sweeten the drink. Iced tea, on the other hand, is not as sweet because the sugar is not added until after the tea has cooled. This results in a refreshing, less sweet beverage.

The Caffeine Content Of Sweet Tea And Ice Tea

Sweet tea and iced tea also differ in their caffeine content. Black tea, which is used to make both of these drinks, contains caffeine. However, iced tea generally has less caffeine than sweet tea because the brewing process for iced tea is shorter. As a result, there is less time for the caffeine to be extracted from the leaves. So if you are looking for a caffeinated beverage, sweet tea is the way to go.

Difference In Preparation

The main difference between sweet tea and iced tea is in how they are made. Sweet tea is traditionally made by steeping black tea leaves in hot water, then adding sugar or syrup especially when the tea is still hot. Iced tea, on the other hand, is made by steeping the leaves in cold or room-temperature water overnight (or for a few hours), then adding ice.

Sweet tea generally has more sugar than iced tea, which can make it more calorie-dense. And because sweeteners are added to sweet tea while it’s still hot, they tend to dissolve better and be more evenly distributed throughout the beverage. Iced tea, on the other hand, may have less sugar overall but it can be harder to tell since the sweeteners aren’t as evenly distributed throughout the drink.

So which is better for you? That depends on your personal preferences and dietary needs. If you’re watching your sugar intake, iced tea might be a better choice. But if you prefer the taste of sweet tea or you need a little extra energy from the added sugar, then go ahead and enjoy a glass of sweet tea!

How Long Can Sweet Tea And Iced Tea Last In Refrigerator?

Sweet tea and iced tea can last in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. After that, they will start to spoil and should be thrown out. If you notice any off-flavors or strange colors, it is best to discard the tea. sweet tea and iced tea are both made with sugar, which helps to preserve them. However, if you are looking to enjoy your tea for a longer period, it is best to store it in the freezer.

Can You Make Sweet Tea And Iced Tea With Green Leaves?

The answer is yes, you can make sweet tea and iced tea with green leaves. The most popular green teas are Sencha and Gyokuro, but there are many others to choose from. When brewing green tea, it is important to use water that is not too hot, or the leaves will become bitter. The best temperature for brewing green tea is between 160-and 180 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can also add flavorings such as lemon juice or mint leaves to your iced tea. Green tea is a delicious and healthy beverage that can be enjoyed hot or cold. Give it a try today!

How To Order Sweet Tea And Ice Tea

When you order sweet tea or iced tea at a restaurant, you might not get what you expect. In the Southern United States, sweet tea is the default option and it will be served unsweetened if you request iced tea.

If you are in the Northern United States, however, iced tea is typically served unsweetened and you need to request sweet tea if that is what you want. So, when ordering either of these drinks, make sure to specify how you want it prepared.

The Bottom Line

So, what is the difference between sweet tea and iced tea? Sweet tea is made by adding sugar or another sweetener to black tea while it is still hot. This results in a sweeter, more syrupy beverage. Iced tea, on the other hand, is made by steeping tea in cold water and then adding ice. This results in a refreshing, less sweet drink.

Sweet tea also has more caffeine than iced tea because of the brewing process. Now that you know the key differences between these two popular drinks, you can order with confidence at your next restaurant or make a cup yourself! Cheers!


Hey, fellow tea lover! I'm Deena and I developed an interest in tea while I lived in Wales and England for over a year. At the time, I didn't drink tea at all. In fact, I didn't develop a real love for tea until many years later. I have now come to value the worldwide historical and cultural significance of tea, as well as the undeniable health and self-care benefits. Ultimately, I think tea is simply good for the soul.

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