Why Is Kombucha So Expensive?

Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been around for centuries. It’s made by fermenting sweetened black or green tea with the bacteria and yeast called “SCOBY,” which sits on top of the liquid in a glass jar, forming a layer that looks like an organic jellyfish. Kombucha can be expensive due to its production process and ingredients but why is kombucha so expensive? What are people paying for?

Kombucha is expensive because it takes time to brew and the ingredients can be costly. The fermentation process can take up to a month, and during that time the kombucha must be stored at a consistent temperature. Quality kombucha also contains organic teas, fruits, and herbs which can add to the cost. In addition, some brands use glass bottles rather than plastic, which adds to the expense.

So Why Is Kombucha So Popular?

People love its slightly sweet, slightly tart flavor and its purported health benefits. Some believe that kombucha can help with digestion, joint pain, and fatigue. While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, many people swear by kombucha’s healing powers.

why is kombucha so expensive

If you’re looking to save money, you can brew your kombucha at home. It takes some time and effort, but it’s worth it if you’re a fan of this bubbly beverage. You can also look for deals on kombucha at your local grocery store or online. And remember, quality doesn’t have to be expensive – there are plenty of affordable kombucha brands out there.

Related: How Much Sugar Is In Kombucha?

Is Kombucha Worth The Price?

The price of kombucha can be a little steep for some people, so is it worth it? In short, yes, kombucha is worth the price. Not only does kombucha taste great and have a ton of health benefits, but it’s also very affordable when you make it yourself. Here are just a few reasons why kombucha is worth the price:

  • Kombucha is very healthy and has many beneficial properties
  • It is easy and affordable to make at home
  • Kombucha tastes great and can be enjoyed by everyone
  • It is a great way to support your local economy

There are a few reasons why kombucha is so expensive.

  1. First, kombucha requires special equipment and ingredients that can be costly.
  2. Second, kombucha takes time to brew, which adds to the cost.
  3. Finally, kombucha is often made in small batches by hand, which also contributes to the price.

Despite the cost, kombucha is worth it! Not only is it healthy and delicious, but it’s also easy and affordable to make at home. So if you’re looking for a delicious and healthy beverage, kombucha is a great choice!

Factors That Make Kombucha So Expensive

  1. The first factor that makes kombucha so expensive is that it is a niche product. Kombucha is not mass-produced like other beverages, so it commands a higher price.
  2. The second factor that contributes to the high cost of kombucha is the quality of the ingredients. Kombucha is made with pure, organic ingredients, which are more expensive than conventional ingredients.
  3. Finally, the process of making kombucha is very labor-intensive. It takes time and cares to brew a high-quality batch of kombucha, and this drives up the price.

Even though kombucha is more expensive than other beverages, many people believe that it is worth the price. Kombucha has numerous health benefits, and it is a delicious and refreshing drink.

If you are interested in trying kombucha, I recommend that you purchase it from a reputable source. Look for kombucha that is made with high-quality ingredients and brewed using traditional methods. Avoid mass-produced kombuchas, as they are often lower in quality and less effective.

Price By Brand

Just like any other luxury drink, kombucha is expensive because of the high demand and low supply. Kombucha is made with fermented tea, which is a process that takes time and effort. Not to mention, it needs a specific environment and temperature to culture correctly. So, unless you want to make your kombucha at home (which can be a challenge), you’ll have to shell out some extra cash for a bottle from your favorite brand.

Some of the most popular kombucha brands include GT’s Kombucha, Health-Ade Kombucha, and Kevita Kombucha. Prices for these brands typically range from $3-$5 per bottle. However, if you’re lucky enough to find kombucha on sale, you can snag a bottle for as low as $2. However, some cheaper brands can be found for around $1 per bottle.

Brand Variety Price

GT’s Kombucha, Original 16 oz. Bottle $3.29

KeVita, Master Brew Kombucha, Gingerberry 16 oz. Bottle $3.99

Brew Dr., Kombucha, Classic 16 oz. Bottle $3.49

Kombucha Wonder Drink, SCOBY-2PK Probiotic Tea $6.29

How Can You Reduce The Cost Of DIY Kombucha?

If you want to reduce the cost of making your kombucha, there are a few things you can do.

  • One is to grow your own SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast).
  • You can also buy in bulk, either from a kombucha supplier or online.
  • Finally, you can also save money by making your tea and sweetener.

This will require more effort but will be much cheaper in the long run.

The Cost Breakdown

The cost breakdown of kombucha can be attributed to the ingredients, equipment, and labor required to produce it. The main ingredients are tea and sugar, which are not expensive. However, the fermentation process takes time and requires special equipment, such as a fermenting vessel and an airlock, which drives up the cost.

why is kombucha so expensive

Additionally, kombucha must be bottled and refrigerated, adding to the expense. Finally, kombucha requires a lot of labor to make; someone needs to monitor the fermentation process and clean the equipment regularly. This is why kombucha is typically more expensive than other types of tea.

While the ingredients and equipment required to make kombucha are not expensive, they do add up. If you’re looking to save money on kombucha, try making it at home. With a little time and effort, you can create your delicious kombucha for a fraction of the cost.

Final Thought

So why is kombucha so expensive? It all comes down to production costs, ingredients, and packaging. But ultimately, you get what you pay for – a delicious, probiotic-rich drink that offers numerous health benefits (whether real or imagined). So why not give kombucha a try? You may just become a fan for life.


Hey, fellow tea lover! I'm Deena and I developed an interest in tea while I lived in Wales and England for over a year. At the time, I didn't drink tea at all. In fact, I didn't develop a real love for tea until many years later. I have now come to value the worldwide historical and cultural significance of tea, as well as the undeniable health and self-care benefits. Ultimately, I think tea is simply good for the soul.

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