Why Is Thai Iced Tea Orange?

Have you ever wondered why Thai iced tea is orange? There’s a reason for that. In this article, I will discuss the history of Thai iced tea, including the ingredients that make it so unique. I will also provide some recipes for you to try at home, But first, why is Thai iced tea orange?

Thai iced tea is brewed with Ceylon black tea leaves, which are naturally high in antioxidants. The tea itself is a dark red, but when the tea and antioxidants interact with the milk proteins, the result is the drinks characteristic orange color.

Thai iced tea is a refreshing, sweetened beverage made with strong brewed tea and milk. This summertime favorite is often served over ice and garnished with orange slices.

“Thai iced tea is brewed with Ceylon black tea leaves, which are naturally high in antioxidants. The tea itself is a dark red, but when the tea and antioxidants interact with the milk proteins, the result is the drinks characteristic orange color. “


What is the History of Thai Iced Tea?

It is a refreshing cold drink, and it originated in Thailand. It is made with strong black tea, milk, spices, and sugar, and often served over ice. Thai iced tea has become popular in recent years, and can now be purchased in many cafes and restaurants around the world.

The history of Thai iced tea remains unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the early 20th century. Tea was introduced to Thailand by Chinese immigrants, and it quickly became a popular beverage among the Thai people. Milk was added to the tea to make it more palatable, and sugar was added to sweeten it. Ice was later added to help cool the drink down in the hot Thai climate.

Today, Thai iced tea is a popular drink in Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia. It is often served with food, such as Thai noodles or curry. Thai iced tea can also be found in many Western cafes and restaurants. If you haven’t tried it yet, be sure to give it a try the next time you see it offered on a menu.

What Does Tai Tea Taste Like?

The ingredients that make Thai tea so special is the addition of star anise, cardamom, and vanilla.

This gives the tea a unique flavor that you won’t find in any other type of tea. If you’re looking for a new tea to try, I highly recommend giving Thai tea a chance. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the flavor.

Thai tea has a very unique flavor that is both sweet and slightly spicy. The sweetness comes from the addition of sugar or honey, while the spice is usually from ginger or cardamom. Other common flavors in Thai tea include vanilla, cloves, and cinnamon. All of these flavors come together to create a delicious and refreshing beverage.

Health Benefits Of Iced Thai Tea

There are several potential health benefits associated with drinking iced Thai tea. The black tea itself has powerful health attributes.

Here are a few to keep in mind:

  • For one, it’s a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect your cells from damage and can improve your overall health
  • Iced Thai tea also contains caffeine, which can give you a boost of energy when you need it most
  • Additionally, the milk in iced Thai tea can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied after drinking it
  • Milk is a good source of protein and calcium
  • Sugar provides a quick boost of energy
  • Ice helps keep you hydrated

Realistically, the antioxidants, protein, and calcium are the only real health benefits, but this is such a fun and delicious drink that it’s worth indulging once in awhile.

How Is Thai Iced Tea Made?

As I previously mentioned, it is a refreshing beverage that can be enjoyed any time of day.

If you’ve never had Thai iced tea before, or if you’re looking for a new way to enjoy this delicious drink, here a step-by-step guide on how to make Thai iced tea.

  • First, you’ll need to gather your ingredients. For this recipe, you’ll need black tea, milk (condensed milk, or other milk of your choice), sugar, and ice cubes, and the spices you prefer.
  • Next, brew the black tea using your desired method.
  • Once the tea is brewed, add in the milk and sugar according to your taste preferences. Stir well until everything is combined.
  • Combine the sweetened milk tea with spices such as star anise, vanilla bean, crushed tamarind seed, orange blossom, and cardamom.
  • Last, add a few ice cubes to your glass and pour in the Thai iced tea. Enjoy immediately!

TIP: If you’re looking for a more traditional Thai iced tea recipe, feel free to add a spoonful of condensed milk to your glass before adding the brewed tea. This will give your Thai iced tea a richer flavor. No matter how you make it, Thai iced tea is a delicious and refreshing beverage that’s perfect for any occasion.

Is It Okay To Drink Thai Iced Tea Every day?

Many of us have our favorite drinks that we enjoy daily. For some, it’s a cup of coffee in the morning, while others might enjoy a refreshing energy drink after work. But what about those who enjoy Thai iced tea every day?

It’s made with black tea, milk, sugar, and ice, and is often served with a dollop of whipped cream on top.

While it may be tempting to drink Thai iced tea every day, there are some things you should keep in mind before indulging too much.

  • First of all, Thai iced tea is high in sugar. One cup can contain anywhere from 16-30 grams of sugar, which is about the same as a can of soda. If you’re trying to cut down on your sugar intake, then drinking Thai iced tea every day may not be the best idea.
  • Secondly, Thai iced tea is also high in calories. A typical cup contains around 200 calories, so if you’re watching your weight, you might want to limit your intake.
  • Finally, while Thai iced tea is generally safe to drink in moderation, there are some potential risks associated with drinking it too often. For example, it can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance due to its high caffeine content. So ,if you do decide to drink Thai tea often, be sure to stay hydrated with water.

Final Thoughts

So now you know more about this lovely, exotic tea, you might want to find it at your favorite restaurant or even make it at home. Indulge in its goodness moderately and experiment with various spices for nuanced flavor. Thai tea might just become your favorite tea treat.


Hey, fellow tea lover! I'm Deena and I developed an interest in tea while I lived in Wales and England for over a year. At the time, I didn't drink tea at all. In fact, I didn't develop a real love for tea until many years later. I have now come to value the worldwide historical and cultural significance of tea, as well as the undeniable health and self-care benefits. Ultimately, I think tea is simply good for the soul.

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